NIITS is looking for additional faculty and staff to enhance its ministry. Since we run a bilingual degree program, one must know Hindi and English equally well to qualify to work at NIITS. We also require our faculty members to have a master’s degree in theology from an accredited institution.
If you believe that the Lord is leading you to serve North-West India through North India Institute of Theological Studies, please write to us.
You will need to fill and submit the NIITS Employment Form and the NIITS Job Reference Form.
You can download the forms from the links below:
Please print one Job Application Form, or use Adobe Acrobat to fill the form on your computer. This form will need to be either mailed or sent to us by email.
Please print three copies of the Reference Form. You will need to have three people fill them for you. This needs to be either mailed or sent to us by email – confidentially, directly by the referees.