I am so obliged to North India Institute of Theological Studies, because it helped me to develop holistically during my Bachelor of Theology (2011-2014). NIITS has a great contribution to develop my personal relationship with God and taught me sound doctrine. It helped me to learn skills for ministry and helped me to seek the will of God in my life. Apart from this, I have established my Research and Methodology skills in NIITS.
blessed years of my life.

Before coming to NIITS, I lacked the knowledge of the Bible. With that my relationship with the Lord was topsy-turvy. NIITS has been a great help for me to develop a habit of Bible reading. NIITS contributed in bringing discipline to my life. This has been of much help in my ministry. I am very thankful to NIITS for those blessed years of my life.

It is a unique and most enjoyable thing to study at NIITS, especially the deep study of God’s Word. What I always appreciated about NIITS is the community life at campus, spending separate time with faculty and staff in small groups, counselling, and instructions of group advisors regarding practical ministry. The guidance and support of our Principal Dr. Sukhwant Singh Bhatia is incredible in shaping my life. NIITS has impacted my faith and understanding of the doctrines of Scriptures.

I joined NIITS to study the Word of God. I am not the person that I was before. I have grown into every aspect of life: Intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. The best thing I came to know about NIITS is its focus on the Bible. I fell in love with the Bible. God has prepared and equipped the instructors of NIITS to properly handle God’s Word and to teach students the truth so that they can be the next leaders in their communities. In the final year of my Bachelor study, the desire to study more was inspired by the faculty of NIITS. So, I enrolled myself for the M.Div. program hoping to be enriched in Biblical and theological study. That is exactly what I got. After completing M.Div., the leadership gave me an opportunity to teach at NIITS. Since 2018, I am working as a lecturer at NIITS.

I am Money Sahota from Amritsar. It was a great privilege for me to earn my B.Th and M.Div degrees from NIITS. Theological studies equipped me with sound doctrines of the Bible and skills to deliver the teachings to the people of God. Currently, I am serving as an Assistant Pastor in my local church, taking care of the Sunday school and contributing Biblical studies on Social media (YouTube), and delivering short-term Bible studies to different Churches.

My sincere thankfulness to the NIITS Faculty and Principal Dr. Sukhwant Singh Bhatia. They helped me to build my confidence in all areas of my life. During my studies in NIITS teachers helped me to get involved in a lot of activities to learn ministry skills, and equipped me with sound doctrine as well. In addition to this, NIITS helped me to get training of computer usage. Reading of library books was a useful tool for me to study further. NIITS has transformed my life and given me directions to the ministry.

Sumresh Masih
It was a great experience to study at NIITS for three years of my life. As a married student, it was challenging for me but everyone from Staff and faculty encouraged me to overcome all the challenges. NIITS helped me to study the Word of God in a systematic way and helped me to grow spiritually.

Peter John
I am glad that I could spend three years at NIITS. Though I was weak in my studies the faculty helped me to enhance my studies and ministerial skills. Currently, I am serving as a pastor of New Vision Church. My ultimate goal is to preach sound doctrines of the Bible in the church which I learned during my studies. I thank God for the vision of our principal sir for northwest India and his hold to fulfill the vision.