Purpose and Nature
The Bachelor of Theology degree program (three-year residential) is designed to qualify graduates to function as principal leaders or ministers of the Church.
Entrance Qualifications
NIITS accepts candidates who have completed their 10-2 years of regualar schooling only and not through open school, correspondence or by extension, except in special circumstances.
Transfer credits from non-accredited institutions are to be accepted only on the basis of validation or a period of probationary study.
The ATA accredited two-year Diploma in Theology is an equivalent of the HSC/+2. Applicants who have completed successfully a two-year program that has an entrance requirement of successful completion of 10 years of schooling, but is not ATA accredited, must appear for and successfully pass a qualifying examination consisting of three papers set at the final year DipTh in Biblical Studies, Theology, and Christian Ministry. Unless this is done they are not qualified for entry into an ATA accredited BTh degree program. However, no such applicant can be granted any advance credit towards the BTh degree.
Mature candidates who do not meet the required entrance qualification but are at least 30 years of age, may be admitted into the program on the basis of a qualifying exam set at the 12th standard level (at least three subjects). There ought not to be more than 10% of mature candidates in any given class/batch.
Admission Procedure
All applicants for admission should be recommended for this program by their local church pastors who have known the applicant for at least two years.
Annual Cost
It costs NIITS Rs.1,54,000.00 per year to train one student. The highly subsidized annual fee for a residential student is 50% of the annual cost or Rs. 72,000.00, and for a day scholar it is Rs.44,000.00 for the BTh program.
The college raises funds through student sponsorships and grants to help subsidize student fees and support the program. A further limited scholarship is available to extremely needy students but a minimum of Rs.36,000 (BTh) has to be paid by each student regardless of circumstances. See fee details here.
Areas of Study
- Bible & Exegesis
- Church History; India, Asia, and World
- Biblical and Systematic Theology and Ethics
- Spiritual Formation and Practial Ministry Experiences
- Practical Theology: Ministry related courses, Pastoral, Christian Education, etc.
- Evangelism, Missions, Cross-cultural studies, church planting
- Religions, Culture and Biblical Languages
Course Structure
NIITS follows a four-week modular system per course; more details are provided in the calendar of events.
Graduation Requirements
- Successful completion of a minimum of 120 course credit hours plus 6 hours of comprehensive evaluation.
- An assessment of required field education involvement.
- An assessment of character, spiritual development, and ministry commitment.
- Payment of all dues including the graduation fee.
- A settlement with and clearance of all departments of NIITS, including the library.
A personal interview with the admission committee is a must and there are no exceptions.
Last Date
The deadline, for receiving applications is June 30 each year, after which a late fee (Rs.100) is payable. Currently, we can take only 20 students in each batch of BTh+MDiv.
Academic Year is July to June.
A modular system is followed at NIITS with eight modules in each academic year.
The classes for each academic year begin in the last week of July.
All approved and selected students are expected to arrive at NIITS no later than Sunday, the day before classes start on Monday.
Graduation is usually the last Saturday of April each year.