Worship Groups
Students are expected to attend a local church. The college does not hold a worship service on Sunday mornings. However, there is a college chapel service twice a week. Once a week we endeavor to invite a local pastor, or a visiting Christian leader, to speak at the college chapel service.
Students and faculty are allocated to small groups, which meet twice a week for worship and prayer before classes start. These groups also provide support and fellowship for students and faculty.
NIITS Chapel
NIITS meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning for chapel service.
Prayer Meetings
Our desire is that the college community is a praying one, taking every opportunity for prayer both personal and in groups. The college sets aside a time once a week for prayer.
Pastoral Care
Each student is allocated a faculty adviser, who oversees the student’s academic progress, and development of ministry skills and provides pastoral care as necessary through regular one-to-one meetings.
Ministry Experience
Each student is assigned to a local church in Chandigarh. Students are expected to take a full part in the life of that church, taking advantage of any opportunities for ministry provided by the church.
Successful completion of this ministry experience is an essential requirement of the degree program.
Residential Life
NIITS is co-ed but operates separate residential facilities, under supervision, for men and women. A separate Student Handbook provides further information to those students who reside in dorms.