NIITS is registered in Chandigarh, Punjab as an educational trust. NIITS operates under the leadership of Dr. Sukhwant Singh Bhatia, Principal. The Board of NIITS consists of Don Vikrant Lazarus, Chairman and Managing Trustee; Anil Kumar, Secretary; Jagdish Singh, Treasurer; Ms. Geeta Rai and Robert Masih as trustees.
NIITS also has a managing committee that looks after the day-to-day operation of the institution.
The church in northwest India is adequately supplied with theologically trained & ministerially equipped Christian leaders.
NIITS prepares men and women for the Kingdom by providing residential Bible-based theological education and ministry training that is distinctive, accessible, and within the cultural context of northwest India.
NIITS strives to run programs that produce men and women, who can and will, teach by their words and demonstrate by their lives, the truths and lifestyle of the Christian faith, and so lead others into the same. In addition, to equip such men and women to be effective in Christian service according to the talents and spiritual gifts that God has given them.
- To encourage and facilitate spiritual transformation.
- To promote excellence in all aspects of life and ministry.
- To build and strengthen Christian character.
- To equip for the whole ministry of the Church.
- To learn and know the Bible and effectively teach it to others.
- To help foster positive social attitudes and relational skills.
- To help students think theologically and communicate contextually.
In 2003, a formal theological training pilot project called Chandigarh Bible College was initiated by offering Bachelor of Theology (BTh) degree in English and Hindi medium. The Lord’s blessing of this ministry and the need of the hour necessitated that we re-structure the college and expand this ministry. Rev. Joel David, the former Principal, and India Director of Seek Partners International, in consultation with the President & CEO of SPI, Dr. Sukhwant S. Bhatia, and the board took the following decision: With effect from October 10, 2007, CBC will be renamed as the NORTH INDIA INSTITUTE OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES with its own independent registration. NIITS started operating as a ministry of SEEK PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL but also partners with other organizations and churches.
NIITS has been an associate member of the Asia Theological Association (ATA) since 2005. The BTh and MDiv programs of NIITS have been accredited by ATA since 2009. The ATA is a member of the International Council of Accrediting Agencies of the World Evangelical Alliance (formerly the World Evangelical Fellowship).
Doctrinal Statement of NIITS
While the Institute’s particular definitions are important to its position, it is readily recognized that they do not define orthodoxy for the whole body of the Lord Jesus Christ. NIITS gladly embraces all who faithfully adhere to the essentials of Biblical Christianity as fellow believers and colleagues in Christ’s cause.
NIITS is an interdenominational and non-charismatic institution that follows a pre-millennial, dispensational understanding of Scripture. Since it’s inception, NIITS has emphasized expository preaching and teaching of the Scriptures according to the plain, normal, historical meaning of the words in their original languages.
Whereas Biblical Christianity is defined by the central tenets of the faith, throughout the history of the church various groups have employed more specific definitions to define themselves. To maintain continuity and consistency with the heritage entrusted to its care, the Institute expects faculty and administration to agree with, personally adhere to, and support the Institute’s doctrinal distinctives, which can be looked at NIITS Detailed Doctrinal Statement.
While our faculty and board annually affirm their agreement with the above doctrinal statement, students need only agree with these seven essentials:
- the authority and inerrancy of the Scripture (The Bible).
- the Trinity (God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit)
- the full deity and humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ
- the spiritual lostness of the entire human race
- the substitutionary atonement and bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
- salvation by grace alone, through faith, in the Lord Jesus Christ
- the physical return of the Lord Jesus Christ